The Development of the New Feeder System: Applying the System Development Life Cycle Methodology
My graduate project proposal is the development of the new Feeder system. The new Feeder system is comprised of five individual feeders, which are the Hourly Payroll, Salary Payroll, Stores, Job Labor and Accounts Payable feeders. My task is to effectively apply the methodology of the system development life cycle to this project. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate my ability to identlfy and solve a real world problem using the theories and skills learned in the
Master of System Analysis program. This paper begins by focusing on the problems that resulted in the development of a new Feeder system. It answers the question of 'Why should a new
system be developed?' Also, the paper outlines the methodology applied in the development of the new system. This addresses the question of "How did I develop the new system?" Next, I
address the learning experiences in developing this project. In addition, I will outline the special features and the costbenefit analysis of the new system.