An Analysis on Research Methods involving American Poverty and Education
Historical injustice in the United States has caused an inequitable distribution of wealth,
which especially disfavors minority groups based on race, ethnicity, and geographic location.
Opportunities in education, career development, and community involvement are limited for
children in poverty. This research journal addresses the following questions: How are poverty
and education related? What can be done to pull US children out of poverty? Research was
conducted through careful analysis of peer-reviewed articles, case studies, books, and
government documents that are backed with national statistics that provide evidence-based data
on educational attainment, rates of poverty, and demographics. Results show when rates of
poverty increase, the chances of educational success decrease, thus exposing an inverse
relationship between rates of poverty and educational attainment. Concluding, if society were to
increase rates of educational attainment, the risk of poverty would decrease.
Interior design is a service to society. Through extensive research, designers can create
spaces that enhance a child's education. Presented in this journal are guidelines to create a
community education and career development center. This center will provide children with the
tools and opportunities to embrace their potential, and ultimately reveal an avenue toward
economic stability. This design has the possibilities to be replicated in communities across the
country, thus having a wider impact on remediating the number of children in poverty.