Now showing items 577-596 of 1610

  • Heteroglossia and Philosophers of Education 

    Knight-Abowitz, Kathleen
    Essay commentary on Rene Arcilla's question regarding the predicament of the contemporary philosopher of education. I use the example of Cornel West to illustrate how his philosophical work exemplifies the concept of ...
  • Heterothermy in Northern Cardinals 

    Schaeffer, Paul J; Komer, Maria C; Corder, Keely R (2014-12-10)
    These data were used in the article on Northern Cardinal heterothermy published in the journal Animal Biologging.
  • High Mobility Low Cost Polarimeter 

    Groves, Benjamin
    Knowing the polarization of a light beam is essential for BEC optical mechanics and fiber coupling. To entrap the atoms in a MOT six beams of equal strength and polarization are required. With polarity maintaining fibers ...
  • High Temperature Limit Sensor for Compressor Connecting Rod 

    Fischer, Joey; Newman, Jon
    Student Engineers researched and designed a method to measure temperature on the bearing of an Ariel Corporation compressor connecting rod. Placing a high temperature shut off device in the connecting rod will allow for ...
  • Highlights from the survey of nursing home industry trends 

    Straker, Jane; Crepeau, Michelle (1997-05-01)
  • The HIPAA privacy rule and long-term care : a quick guide for researchers 

    Straker, Jane; Faust, Patricia (2005-01-01)
    This brochure covers the main points of the HIPAA Privacy Rule that affect research undertaken in long-term care services. Strategies for conducting HIPAA compliant research are presented. Includes a list of additional resources.
  • His/Her/Hirstory Symposium Program 

    Department of Global and Intercultural Studies
    Election 2016; His/ Her/ Hirstory : a symposium of projects offering intersectional analyses ; program pdf
  • The history of the body: concepts and care 

    Moroz, Emily
    I became interested in Renaissance literature when I conducted a research project on Shakespeare. It was apparent that the medicine of the bard’s time lacked one thing: scientific accuracy. I became inquisitive— how has ...
  • How Does Medicaid Reimbursement Impact the Quality of Ohio Nursing Homes 

    Bowblis, John; Applebeum, Robert
    Study examines the changes in Medicaid nursing home reimbursement between 2007 and 2012 as Ohio moved to a "new price system". Findings showed that the quality of Ohio nursing homes did not change as a result of the ...
  • How educational intermediaries connect research and practice 

    Malin, Joel R
    Knowledge brokers seek to transform education practice by sharing research, but are they effective at achieving this goal?
  • How far to the road not taken? The effect of psychological distance on counterfactual direction. 

    Rim, SoYon; Summerville, Amy
    Upward and downward counterfactuals serve the distinct motivational functions of selfimprovement and self-enhancement, respectively. Drawing on construal level theory, which contends that increasing psychological distance ...
  • How finding your question and following your curiosity can naturally craft your research identity 

    Adams, Kristen
    This talk will emphasize how developing a research identity can begin with a single question. The speaker will share the backstory to a current research project, they didn’t set out to do, that started this way. It involves ...
  • How Might a Psychology Professor Teach Critical Thinking? 

    Jacobsen, Anna Liss
    Teaching critical thinking is addressed from the perspective of a psychology professor and a librarian. Methods used to improve student understanding of validity and reliability of sources are examined from the perspective ...
  • How Much!? Estimating the cost of an assignment in an organic chemistry class. 

    Kromer, John
    Objective: To estimate the library costs of completing an assignment in an organic chemistry class. Methods: Students in Chemistry 254: Organic Chemistry for Majors were required to write a paper on an organic name reaction ...

    Gunn, William (2012-10-25)
    A talk about how new digital capabilities -including electronic publishing, social media, institutional repositories, and copyright legislation- are profoundly impacting traditional scholarly communication.
  • How to Use PyMOL 

    Page, Richard; Roche Allred, Zahilyn; Lowery Bretz, Stacey; Tai, Heeyoung
    Tutorial video for using PyMOL to accompany “Using PyMOL to Explore the Effects of pH on Non-Covalent Interactions between Immunoglobulin G and Protein A: A Guided-Inquiry Biochemistry Activity”. Authors: Zahilyn D. ...
  • How Urbanization is Effecting The Eastern Gray Squirrel 

    Harris, James
    In this experiment, I determined if urbanization affecting the foraging behavior in eastern gray squirrels? Do these behaviors become less or more frequent with the different season? The purpose of this experiment is to ...
  • How Vernacular Architecture Affects the Global: Lessons from Bangladesh 

    Laz Banti, Anindita
    Vernacular architecture is a very adaptable and reasonable way to address human needs, which seems to be largely forgotten in contemporary architecture.1 For thousands of years, vernacular architecture has been ...
  • HPWS data 

    Wang, Peng
    The research focus was to examine the relationship between high-performance work system (HPWS), firm financial performance (FFP), firm innovation and improvement (FII), and firm capacity for learning and transforming ...
  • Hueston Woods State Park Bikeway Feasibility Study 

    Bracken, Jason; Buckley, Tom; Burns, Abigail; Credico, Jeena; Hoffer, Justin; Shreve, Kristyn; Bracken, Jason (2014-01-15)
    Study of the potential for implementing a public bikeway in Hueston Woods State Park. The study looks at the physical, legal, and social trailblocks present for the park and in light of these obstacles, considers the ...