Now showing items 1-3 of 3

  • Effects of Waist-to-Hip Ratio on Sexual Objectification and Sexual Assault 

    Fendinger, Nick; Mitchell, Kristin
    The present studies examined the effects of waist-to-hip ratio on sexual assault and sexual objectification. Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) is defined computationally as the thinnest point of the waist divided by the widest point ...
  • Miami University Deception Detection Database 

    Lloyd, E. Paige; Deska, Jason C.; Hugenberg, Kurt; McConnell, Allen R.; Humphrey, Brandon; Kunstman, Jonathan W.
    Lloyd, Deska, Hugenberg, McConnell, Humphrey, & Kunstman (2017) created the Miami University Deception Detection Database (MU3D) for research purposes. The MU3D is a free resource containing 320 videos of Black and White ...
  • Open Educational Resources and their Implementation at Miami University 

    Waller, Jen; Bazeley, Jennifer W.; Abbitt, Jason; Bulanda, Ron; Cochrane, Bruce; Dahlman, Carl; Diekman, Amanda; Ferrell, Elizabeth; Fowler, Kirsten; Hall, Carrie; Hugenberg, Kurt; Ironstrack, Tamise; Millard, John; Modirrousta, Mostafa; Shoemaker, Katie; Vamosi, Briana
    A white paper submitted on 9/8/2015 by the members of the 2014 –2015 Faculty Learning Community Exploring Open Educational Resources at Miami University. Covers OER definition, best practices, benefits and evidence, OER ...