Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • Minding Your Ps & Qs: A Q-Methodology Workshop 

    Brinkman, Stacy; Messner, Kevin; Shrimplin, Aaron; Waller, Jen; Waller, Jen
    Librarians are continually turning to new metrics to evaluate services, impact, and priorities. Q-methodology - a hybrid of qualitative and quantitative research techniques - is a systematic study of subjectivity that ...
  • Ohio Residential Care Facility Resident Satisfaction Survey : Instrument Refinements [2007] 

    Straker, Jane; Brown, Scott (2008-05-14)
    This report describes psychometric testing and other evaluations of the 2007 Ohio Residential Care Resident Satisfaction Survey. Recommendations include removal of items to shorten the survey and refinement of other items.