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dc.contributor.authorForren, John P.
dc.contributor.authorConover, Theresa Ervin
dc.identifier.otherForren, J. P. and Conover, T. E. (2016). Ohio Civic Health Index Report, Washington, DC: National Conference on Citizenship.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe 2016 Ohio Civic Health Index Report (OCHI) is the product of an ongoing partnership between the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) – a Washington, D.C.-based organization chartered by Congress in 1953 – and Miami University, a public institution located in southwestern Ohio. As its title suggests, the Report, now in its sixth iteration, provides Ohioans with a periodic assessment of the degree to which Buckeye State residents forge bonds with their fellow citizens, interact with their local communities, and participate meaningfully in political and civic affairs. By examining various statewide indicators of civic engagement – including rates of volunteerism, charitable giving, group participation, voting behavior, non-voting political action, and informal social connectedness – the 2016 Ohio Civic Health Index Report presents educators, policymakers, and community leaders with a multi-faceted look at the strength of our communities and the overall vitality of our democracy. When appropriate, the Report provides benchmarks for comparison with the recent past in Ohio and with similar findings from other states.en_US
dc.titleOhio Civic Health Index Reporten_US

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  • Conover, Theresa
    Dr. Theresa Conover - Assistant Professor, Justice and Community Studies

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