Making Sense: Can Makerspaces Work in Academic Libraries?
Makerspaces are a growing service area for many
libraries in school, public, and academic settings.
Participants, or makers, can create digital and physical
items in common working spaces using shared
equipment and resources. The essential makerspace
elements of makers, tools, space, and shared expertise
are also often joined by a spirit of individual exploration
and discovery through creative activities.
One area of balance in makerspaces is in providing
group training on specific creative activities while
also offering open lab times in the makerspace for individuals
to work independently or in small collaborative
groups on their projects. This is particularly acute in the
academic environment, where lab spaces (whether for
computers, biology, chemistry, engineering, or nursing)
are often imagined for use by classes of students
working on an assignment or project. Can an open,
self-directed approach work in an environment where
much learning is encapsulated in semester-long courses
and student learning is assessed by assignments with
relatively rigid timelines and criteria? The alternative,
maker-focused mindset would allow for tinkering and
play to be utilized by makers as they create and learn.
Makerspaces can be a mechanism for encouraging
students to experiment and learn beyond the
classroom and outside of the normal structure of
their assignments. Students are encouraged to examine
new means of creation and in doing so they
strengthen and apply more broadly the learning they
experience in their courses. The following paper presents
a positive case for pursuing an academic library
makerspace and helpful steps to pursue.
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