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dc.contributor.authorResnis, Eric
dc.contributor.authorSullivan, Elizabeth
dc.contributor.authorMiller, Lindsay
dc.contributor.authorPickens, Kathleen
dc.description.abstractFaculty often are frustrated by the quality of student research, including low scholarly resource use and lack of evaluation skills. Miami University (Oxford, OH) has created a faculty learning community (comprised of both faculty and librarians) to explore the above concerns during the course of an academic year. During the first semester, faculty discovered the information literacy skills of their students via survey tools, focus groups, and class observation. Disturbed by the results, faculty began work on a “best practices” list for bringing information literacy skills into the classroom. This poster will detail the process, successes, and future prospects for this project.en_US
dc.subjectinformation literacyen_US
dc.subjectbest practicesen_US
dc.subjectfaculty collaborationen_US
dc.titleJoining forces with Faculty to Foster Information Literacy Best Practices in the Classroomen_US

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