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dc.contributor.authorBazeley, Jennifer W
dc.contributor.authorNatale, Jennifer J
dc.contributor.authorSullivan, Elizabeth
dc.identifier.otherBazeley, J. W., Natale, J. J., & Sullivan, E. (2016). LibGuides Administration: Roadmap to Engaging Content. In Integrating LibGuides into Library Websites (p. 77). Chicago, IL: Rowman & Littlefield.en_US
dc.description.abstractLibraries purchase LibGuides software in the effort to provide all users with easy access to engaging library content. Active administration of the software is a vital component in realizing this goal. In the summer of 2014, Miami University Libraries migrated from LGv1 to LGv2. A small group had traditionally overseen the administrative aspects of the LibGuides software that included managing accounts and troubleshooting. The migration to LGv2 created a unique opportunity for the group to re-evaluate their administration and take a more active role in implementing a broader vision of the use of LibGuides in order to meet the needs of faculty, staff, and students.en_US
dc.titleLibGuides Administration: Roadmap to Engaging Contenten_US
dc.typeBook Chapteren_US

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