Browsing Scripps Gerontology Center Publications by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 397
2011 Title VI Survey Results
(2012-09-06)This report summarizes the results of a survey conducted in 2011 of Title VI (Native American Organizations) to assess the role of Title VI programs in offering services and supports to the elders in their communities. ... -
2014 Title VI Survey Results
This research record highlights the findings from a national survey of the Title VI Organizations (TO). Findings highlight TOs connection to the larger tribal infrastructure, key features and services of the TO programs, ... -
AAA Caregiving Survey Results
(2010-09-22)AAA Caregiving Survey Results summarizes the results of a mini survey of the nations 629 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) on the support they provide to family caregivers. Over 57% of AAAs responded to the survey and the results ... -
Adult care homes in Ohio
(1992-09-01) -
Adult Education and Training Programs for Older Adults in the U.S.: National Results and Cross-National Comparisons Using PIAAC Data
(2015-02-18)Skill upgrades over the lifecourse are increasingly important in a knowledged-based global economy. This study examined the relationship between participation in adult education programs and labor market outcomes for adults ... -
Advancing Partnerships: Contracting Between Community-based Organizations and Health Care Entities
This report provides additional findings from the 2021 RFI survey about the current characteristics of CBO contracts with health care partners and illustrates the ways in which those arrangements are expanding services, ... -
Age-Friendly Oxford Community Needs Assessment: Report to the Age-Friendly Oxford Leadership Advisory Group
In November 2017, Oxford, Ohio formally joined the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities, a national network committed to the design and implementation of community-level actions to enhanced age-friendliness. ... -
Age-Friendly Oxford: A Qualitative Study Conducted by the Miami First Year Research Experience (FYRE) Class of 2017-2018
In the 2017-2018 academic year, the Miami University First Year Research Experience (FYRE) class conducted a qualitative study to explore the perceptions of Oxford, Ohio as an age-friendly city. Through interviews, ... -
Aging and Disability Business Institute: Final evaluation report
The Aging and Disability Business Institute (Business Institute), led by the National Association for Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), was established in 2016 with a mission to build and strengthen partnerships between aging ... -
Aging and Long-Term Care Issues in Ohio
(2009-04-02)This summary report focuses on aging and disability in Ohio as well as on utilization and Medicaid costs of long-term care for older Ohioans. -
Are Ohio's Nursing Homes Ready for an Emergency?
On any given day in Ohio's nursing homes, there are nearly 78,000 residents with physical or cognitive impairments. This means that nursing homes may be vulnerable during emergencies that require either evacuation or ... -
Area Agencies on Aging and The Future of Long-Term Care
(2009-07-14)This report presents the findings from the 2008 National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging. Results are presented on the following topics: AAAs at the Center of Aging Ready Communities, The Expanding Role of AAAs in Long-Term ... -
Assessing Participant Satisfaction and the Impact of Senior Centers in Rural Northwestern Ohio Counties
This study assessed satisfaction among current senior center users in the Northwestern Ohio area and measured the impact that centers have on the lives of participants. Specifically, it assessed satisfaction with four ... -
Assessing the Quality of Caregiver Support Services
(2006-08-01)The project's primary objective wsa to desin and test an outcome-focused system for the quality monitoring of caregiver support services based largely on input from caregivers themselves. -
At The Nexus of Social Care: Successful Contracting Between CBOs and Health Care Entities.
This research brief explores how the integration of social care and health care is evolving through contracting partnerships between community-based organizations (CBOs) and health care entities. Findings from the fifth ... -
Bridging the Aging Network and Medical Community Survey: Care Transitions from Hospital to home
(2013-03-27)This report describes findings from a survey of Area Agencies on Aging regarding activities between the aging network and the medical community. This report focuses on organizations engaged in care transitions of older ... -
Bridging the Aging Network and the Medical Community: Survey Results
(2012-09-06)Recent federal and state initiatives such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have expanded the opportunities for Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) to be partners in acute care and health system coordination. With a grant from ...